Maybe You Can Go Home Again

At 66 to 1 odds, who would have figured Greg Norman to lead the British Open after 3 rounds. He hasn't won a tournament for 10 years and the last time he was in the headlines was when Bill Clinton got pissed at Norman's house and broke his leg. No doubt, his marriage to tennis star Chris Evert has a lot to do with it. Given his classic collapses under pressure in majors I expect the odds on his winning haven't improved very much with one round to go; but you never know.
But before golfers everywhere start ditching their marriages for one last grab at the ring, perhaps they should wait for the finish. Knowing Norman's penchant for turning anything into money, I am going to wait for the inevitable testimonial for the 'little blue pill', ginseng, antler fur or bear bile. It is a much safer bet that it will be some extract from a Great White Shark.
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