
How we all awaited Microsoft's new operating system - Vista. I know Bill is trying to leave the driving to others these days, but gosh, what a botchup. Microsoft did their usual; rush the product to the shelf, let the user find the bugs, then develop massive Service Packs to correct the glitches. But as media/data rich as Vista is, well, 'that dog just won't hunt'. I think people are fed up with being held hostage when purchasing a new computer, because unless you build it yourself, or get a Mac, preloaded Vista is what you get. This is the beginning of the end for Microsoft's dominance in the world market. They know it too and are scrambling to develop Windows 7 on the one hand, while on the other they have made a deal with OLPC (one laptop per child) to install XP on third world laptops.
If the world truly cared about equality they would build on an open source platform, develop a free world ISP with enough bandwidth to stream audio visuals, and build server farms large enough to provide software and storage space for everyone.
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