The World of Depression

Many people oscillate between two base lines; the first being what society declares as 'normal', the other marked by Maslow's idea of needs, want's and necessities. Many lives journey on a more or less regular path between these two extremes. Unfortunately, when things happen in our lives that go far beyond testing and into the realm of distress the normal bar lowers a few millimetres. The journey is the same distance between those extremes which means something has to give, somewhere. In many of us it means we travel well beyond the borderline of one extreme or the other. In the case of trauma; especially at a young age, the distance travelled does not allow one to find their way back. Pharmaceutical companies tell us that if we consume their products then we will have what we need to come back... but the reality is we become anaethesised into believing we have reached home... when really we are just experiencing false comfort in this new world.
The destination rests within each of us to discover, much like the butterfly or bird, or salmon that leaves the nesting place to make a long journey and does not fret the return, but instinctively knows how to get back. God tells us, "does the bird worry about where the next meal comes from?" (this is of course a paraphrase). I will help you find the way.
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