Getting My MOJO back

A good day today. Worked at a mate's place and we built a cabinet with power and ventilation for a server and UPS system. Forgot my meds which left me kind of restless when I went to bed... thought I would just bluff it out. However I kept jerking awake when I thought I heard something... a bang or thump... had a couple of nastie 'post-acid-like' flashbacks. So I awoke and had a chamomile tea. It is just after 5am. Am resolving to cut back on the drinks and smokes because I am wondering if I am headed for a heart attack. Rapid heart beat, with the slightest little twinge of pain every once in a while. Other than that am feeling pretty good all things considered. I think I am supposed to be in Wellington today... to receive some recognition, but unless they make the travel arrangements I don't think I will be there. I enjoyed tussling with my grandson and dog last night and after we had finished reading his book and felt his little body quiver with sleep thought about writing a children's book.
The premise is: a boy who, through some quirk of nature actually breathes through his ass -the sphincter inhaling and exhaling the air that keeps him alive. Of course that would mean he shits out of his mouth, sneezes are a bit messy and smelly, and burps... well, you just imagine what it would be like for this fellow to go on a date. You'd have to kiss his ass.
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