Drug Trafficer

Well, now that I am out of work I have decided to become a drug trafficer (trafficker?...note to do spellcheque). Since I am not a national here I figure the cheapest thing that will happen is deportment, cause I really figure that I will be as successful at that as anything else, so culpability will be minimal. Anyhow, given the amount of SPAM that is out there pharmaceuticals is a lock. I have gotten my doctor to test for everything I may need and have been particular about 'penile defficiency and erectile difficulties', because they seem to be hot commodities. Anyhow, my poor wife will be able to specify... under oath, that these are not falsehoods. At best I can expect some pocketmoney, or a free trip home (note to Department of Tobbaco and Firearms, IAM a Canadian... so piss off. The only Rico Act I follow these days is Rico Gear) also while I am at this business I am also curious as to whether the NSA really does filter my E-mails!

PS: If found guilty, I am going to blame everything on my father-in-law, JJ for shooting Miti after he bit my cousin ED (Miti is pronounced "mitty" over here, but now that I think of it he says "mighty" quite a lot).
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